The CFI is being developed in collaboration with WOB , outreach group of the American Statistical Association, “Statistics without Borders”, with support of multiple human rights partners , allies , national and international organisations.

What is CFI
The International Commission for Dalit Rights (ICDR) introduces and develops the need for and value of developing Caste Freedom Index (CFI) as a unique and universal framework for addressing inequalities and measuring discrimination based on caste or descent of nearly 300 million of the world’s most marginalized and socially excluded population known as “Dalits” or “Oppressed people”.
The CFI will provide a new zeal for Dalits, advocacy groups, policy-makers, development actors and governments needing on-the-ground evidence and framework to address inequalities and injustice on local, national and international levels. The CFI will be collectively developed as a new effort to measure legal, social, and development progress in reducing and eliminating Caste, Race, Ancestry or National Origin and Descent-based Discrimination (CRAND), inequality and injustice caon five thematic factors listed below. It will address a broad range of developmental disparities as well as human rights violations against Dalits and marginalized populations in caste affected-countries.
CFI Objectives
The Caste Freedom Index (CFI) is a unique and universal framework addressing caste-based inequalities and discrimination against nearly 300 million Dalits and socially excluded people in Asia, sections of Africa, the Middle East, and other parts of the world.
The CFI matrix is designed to give a comprehensive, action-oriented picture of caste-based oppression by focusing on six well-recognized human rights dimensions.